The Academic Perspective Procedia publishes Academic Platform symposiums papers as three volumes in a year. DOI number is given to all of our papers.
Publisher : Academic Perspective
Journal DOI : 10.33793/acperpro
Journal eISSN : 2667-5862
[1] Ceritbinmez F. Nanopartikül takviyeli kompozit malzemelerin işlenebilirliğinin araştırılması. (Doktora Tezi). İskenderun Teknik üniversitesi / Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Hatay; 2020.
[2] Groover, M. P. Fundamentals of modern manufacturing: materials, processes, and systems. 4rd ed. John Wiley and Sons; 2010.
[3] Ceritbinmez F, Yapıcı A. An Investigation of Punching the MWCNTs Doped Composite Plates by Using Different Cutting Profiles. Tehnicki vjesnik 2021; 28(2), 385-390.
[4] Patnaik, L., Maity, S. R., and Kumar, S. A Review on Slug Reversal During Punching And Blanking. Materials Today: Proceedings 2019; 18, 2745-2752.
[5] Küçüktürk, G. AA5754 Malzemenin kesme işlemlerinde kesme boşluğunun ürün kalitesine etkilerinin deneysel incelenmesi ve bulanık mantık ile tahmini. Gazi üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 2016; 31(2).
[6] Hsu, R. Q., Chang, J. R., and Liang, D. L. Prediction of slug carry-up by the punch in blanking by air-blow of the slug. journal of materials processing technology 2008; 201(1-3), 252-255.
[7] John, K. M., and Kumaran, S. T. Backup support technique towards damage-free drilling of composite materials: A review. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 2020.
[8] Egbo, M. K. A fundamental review on composite materials and some of their applications in biomedical engineering 2020.
[9] Amir, A. L., Ishak, M. R., Yidris, N., Zuhri, M. Y. M., and Asyraf, M. R. M. Advances of composite cross arms with incorporation of material core structures: Manufacturability, recent progress and views. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 2021.
[10] Mahesh, V., Joladarashi, S., and Kulkarni, S. M. A comprehensive review on material selection for polymer matrix composites subjected to impact load. Defence Technology 2021; 17(1), 257-277.
[11] Huang, S., Fu, Q., Yan, L., and Kasal, B. Characterization of Interfacial Properties between Fibre and Polymer Matrix in Composite Materials-A Critical Review. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 2021.