The Academic Perspective Procedia publishes Academic Platform symposiums papers as three volumes in a year. DOI number is given to all of our papers.
Publisher : Academic Perspective
Journal DOI : 10.33793/acperpro
Journal eISSN : 2667-5862
[1] Zhang, F., et al., Energy management strategies of connected HEVs and PHEVs: Recent progress and outlook. 2019. 73: p. 235-256.
[2] Onori, S., L. Serrao, and G. Rizzoni, Hybrid electric vehicles: Energy management strategies. 2016: Springer.
[3] Ali, M., S. Mohammad, and M.M. Rahman. Modelling a Solar Charge Station for Electric Vehicle with Storage Backup. in 2019 1st International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Robotics Technology (ICASERT). 2019. IEEE.
[4] Li, L., et al., A novel combinatorial optimization algorithm for energy management strategy of plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. 2017. 354(15): p. 6588-6609.
[5] Tran, D.-D., et al., Thorough state-of-the-art analysis of electric and hybrid vehicle powertrains: Topologies and integrated energy management strategies. 2020. 119: p. 109596.
[6] Wirasingha, S.G. and A.J.I.T.o.v.t. Emadi, Classification and review of control strategies for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. 2010. 60(1): p. 111-122.
[7] Davis, S.C., S.W. Diegel, and R.G. Boundy, Transportation energy data book. 2009, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
[8] Ali, T.J.T.D.S., May, Electric Rickshaws run out of steam. 2011. 30.
[9] Jin, C., J. Tang, and P.J.I.T.o.v.t. Ghosh, Optimizing electric vehicle charging: A customer's perspective. 2013. 62(7): p. 2919-2927.
[10] Adika, C.O. and L.J.I.t.o.s.g. Wang, Autonomous appliance scheduling for household energy management. 2013. 5(2): p. 673-682.
[11] Honarmand, M., A. Zakariazadeh, and S.J.E. Jadid, Optimal scheduling of electric vehicles in an intelligent parking lot considering vehicle-to-grid concept and battery condition. 2014. 65: p. 572-579.
[12] Jian, L., et al., A scenario of vehicle-to-grid implementation and its double-layer optimal charging strategy for minimizing load variance within regional smart grids. 2014. 78: p. 508-517.