The Academic Perspective Procedia publishes Academic Platform symposiums papers as three volumes in a year. DOI number is given to all of our papers.
Publisher : Academic Perspective
Journal DOI : 10.33793/acperpro
Journal eISSN : 2667-5862
Year :2018, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages: 521-525
Determining the Number of Solar Modules of a 1kW Solar Energy System in Antalya, Turkey
In this paper the number of solar modules of a 1kW solar energy system was determined by using the total solar radiation and the solar module energy output energy relation. The total solar radiation was correlated with the tilt angle of solar modules. Thus the optimum yearly tilt angle of solar modules was calculated and assumed that solar modules of the system were tilted at this angle. In conclusion the monthly average daily total solar radiation, optimum yearly tilt angle and the number of solar modules of the related system were established for the city.
Total solar radiation, optimum yearly tilt angle, solar module energy output
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Tırmıkçı, C. , Yavuz, C.. (2018). Determining the Number of Solar Modules of a 1kW Solar Energy System in Antalya, Turkey. Academic Perspective Procedia, 1 (1), 521-525. DOI: 10.33793/acperpro.01.01.101
%0 Academic Perspective Procedia (ACPERPRO) Determining the Number of Solar Modules of a 1kW Solar Energy System in Antalya, Turkey% A Ceyda Aksoy Tırmıkçı , Cenk Yavuz% T Determining the Number of Solar Modules of a 1kW Solar Energy System in Antalya, Turkey% D 11/9/2018% J Academic Perspective Procedia (ACPERPRO)% P 521-525% V 1% N 1% R doi: 10.33793/acperpro.01.01.101% U 10.33793/acperpro.01.01.101