The Academic Perspective Procedia publishes Academic Platform symposiums papers as three volumes in a year. DOI number is given to all of our papers.
Publisher : Academic Perspective
Journal DOI : 10.33793/acperpro
Journal eISSN : 2667-5862
Cvetković V, Martinović J (2020) Innovative Solutions for Flood Risk Management. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 2(2): 71–99.
Erol U, Kızmaz Y, Özden A, Ceyhunlu A. I. (2022) Evaluation of the Transportation Infrastructure Vulnerability in Kaynarca, Sakarya Basin from a Flood Spread Risk Perspective. Academic Platform Journal of Natural Hazards and Disaster Management 3(1): 20–31.
European Environment Agency (2016) European Digital Elevation Model (EU-DEM 25 m, version 1.1) Accessed 18 May 2022
European Environment Agency. (2020). CORINE (Coordination of Information on the Environment) Land Cover 1990 (version 2020, 20u1). Retrieved from Accessed 15 September
European Environment Agency. (2020). CORINE (Coordination of Information on the Environment) Land Cover 2018 (version 2020, 20u1). Retrieved from Accessed 14 September
Mahnamfar F, Abdollahzadehmoradi Y, Ağıralioğlu N (2020) Flood risk analysis of residential areas at downstream side of Elmali dam. Academic Platform Journal of Natural Hazards and Disaster Management, 1(1): 49–58.
Manojlović S (2018) Uticaj geografskih faktora na promene intenziteta vodne erozije u slivu reke Nišave [Impact of geographical factors on intensity changes of the soil erosion in the watershed of the Nišava River]. Faculty of Geography – University of Belgrade, Belgrade.
Manojlović S, Sibinović M, Srejić T et al. (2021) Agriculture Land Use Change and Demographic Change in Response to Decline Suspended Sediment in Južna Morava River Basin (Serbia). Sustainability 13(6): 3130.
Manojlović S, Srejić T, Sibinović M et al. (2022) Impact of precipitation and human activities on suspended sediment transport load in the Velika Morava River Basin (Serbia). Arabian Journal of Geoscience 15: 1209.
Kostadinov S (1990) Analysis of torrential flood of Prisjanska River on 26.06.1988. Šumarski list 114: 159–169.
Kostadinov S (1992) Analysis of the conditions of flood formation in the torrent Ravna reka in June 1988. Tagungspublikation des internationalen Symposiums “Interpraevent” 1: 241–252.
Petrović A, Kostadinov S, Dragićević S (2014) The Inventory and characterization of torrential flood phenomenon in Serbia. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 23 (3): 823–830.
Petrović AM (2021a) Bujične poplave u Srbiji [Torrential floods in Serbia]. Belgrade: Serbian Geographical Society, 157 pp.
Petrović AM, Manojlović S, Kostadinov S (2021b) How extreme were the torrential floods in smaller watersheds in Serbia in September 2014. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Natural Hazards and Disaster Management – ISHAD, Academic Perspective Procedia, 116–124.
Petrović AM, Novković I, Kostadinov S (2021c) Hydrological analysis of the September 2014 torrential floods of the Danube tributaries in the Eastern Serbia. Natural Hazards 108, 1373–1387.
Ristić R, Kostadinov S, Radić B, Trivan G, Nikić Z (2012) Torrential floods in Serbia – man-made and natural hazards. Conference Proceedings of the 12th Congress Interpraevent., 771–779.
Republic Hydrometeorological Office of Serbia (2000) Hydrological annual report. RHMO Serbia, Belgrade.
Republic Hydrometeorological Office of Serbia (2007) Hydrological annual report. RHMO Serbia, Belgrade.
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (2017) Projected population at the beginning and at the end of the projected period by municipalities (Database) Accessed on 18 September 2022