The Academic Perspective Procedia publishes Academic Platform symposiums papers as three volumes in a year. DOI number is given to all of our papers.
Publisher : Academic Perspective
Journal DOI : 10.33793/acperpro
Journal eISSN : 2667-5862
[1] Kia, H.G., Sheet Molding Compound Materials: Science & Technology. Hanser Gardner Pubns. Ohio USA; 1993, 257 pp.
[2] Rosato, D.V., Rosato, D.V. Chapter 4 - Compound constructions. Reinforced Plastics Handbook (Third Edition). Amsterdam, Elsevier Science; 2005, 212-253.
[3] van Voorn, B., Smit, H.H.G., Sinke, R.J., de Klerk, B. Natural fibre reinforced sheet moulding compound. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing; 2001, 32: 1271-1279.
[4] Merle, G., Allemand, J., Camino, G., Luda, M.P., Revellino, M., Blancon, R., Morphology analysis of microvoids in SMC: ageing effects. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing ; 1998, 29: 1535-1543.
[5] Le, T.H., Dumont, P.J.J., Orgéas, L., Favier, D., Salvo, L., Boller, E. X-ray phase contrast microtomography for the analysis of the fibrous microstructure of SMC composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing ; 2008, 39: 91-103.
[6] Feuillade, V., Bergeret, A., Quantin, J.C., Crespy, A., Relationships between the glass fibre sizing composition and the surface quality of sheet moulding compounds (SMC) body panels. Composites Science and Technology ; 2006, 66: 115-127.
[7] Jendli, Z., Meraghni, F., Fitoussi, J., Baptiste, D. Micromechanical analysis of strain rate effect on damage evolution in sheet molding compound composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing ; 2004, 35: 779-785.
[8] Kim, M.-S., Lee, W.I., Han, W.-S., Vautrin, A. Optimisation of location and dimension of SMC precharge in compression moulding process. Computers & Structures ; 2011, 89: 1523-1534.
[9] Tatara, R.A. 17 - Compression Molding A2 - Kutz, Myer. Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook. Oxford, William Andrew Publishing; 2011, 289-309.
[10] Bingöl M., Cavdar K. New investigations on higher mechanical properties of woven glass fiber reinforced SMC composites. Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences; 2018, Vol. 25, August 2018, 315-320 pp.
[11] Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Sheet Molding Compounds, Wiley Encyclopedia of Composites ; 2012, 2683-2718
[12] Bingöl M., Cavdar K. Dokuma Cam Elyafların Farklı Katlarının SMC Kompozitlerin Mekanik Özelliklerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi. 5. International Polymeric Composite Symposium and Workshops; 2017.