The Academic Perspective Procedia publishes Academic Platform symposiums papers as three volumes in a year. DOI number is given to all of our papers.
Publisher : Academic Perspective
Journal DOI : 10.33793/acperpro
Journal eISSN : 2667-5862
[1]Savaşkan M, Taptık Y, Ürgen M. Deney tasarımı yöntemiyle matkap uçlarında performans optimizasyonu. İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Mühendislik Dergisi 2004;3:6:117-128.
[2]Oudjene M, Ben AL. On the parametrical study of clinch joining of Metallic sheets using theTaguchi method. Engineering Structures 2008;30:6:1782-1788.
[3]Rosa JL, Robin A, Silva MB, Baldan CA, Peres MP. Electrodeposition of copper on titanium wires: Taguchi experimental design approach. Journal of Materials ProcessingTechnology 2009;209:3:1181-1188.
[4]Akman G, Özkan C. Sac imalatında karşılaşılan yapışma probleminin deney tasarımı ile çözümü. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi 2011;12:2:187-199.
[5]Kıvak T. Optimization of surface roughness and flank wear using the Taguchi method in milling of Hadfield steel with PVD and CVD coated inserts. Measurement 2014; 50:19-28.
[6]Devaiaha D, Kishoreb K, Laxminarayanaa P. Optimal FSW process parameters for dissimilar aluminium alloys (AA5083 and AA6061) using Taguchi Technique. MaterialsToday: Proceedings 2018;5:2:1:4607-4614.
[7]Wardle AJ, Miller HD. Method and lapparatus for preventıng coil breaks in sheet metal. USPO 1937; 2,087,010.
[8]Sendzimir T. Prevention of coil breaks. USPO 1956; 3,079,975.
[9]Mardiana D, Basri MH. Reducing coil break rejection at hot skin pass mill PT Krakatau Steel. Indonesian Journal of Business Administration 2013;2:10:1131-1143.
[10]Thakur SK, Sarkar B, Ghosh B, Datta R. Reduction in diversion due to coil break in CRNO grades of coils. Case Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis 2014;2:76-83.
[11]Mucsi A, Réger M, Vero B, Portász A. Coil breaks in low carbon steels. Proceedings of 8th International Engineering Symposium at Bánki 2016.
[12]Mucsi A. Analysis of coil break defects. Engineering Failure Analysis 2018. 83:109-116.
[13]Mucsi A. Effect of hot rolling conditions on the nitride precipitation process in low carbon steel strips. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2018; 426:012036.