The Academic Perspective Procedia publishes Academic Platform symposiums papers as three volumes in a year. DOI number is given to all of our papers.
Publisher : Academic Perspective
Journal DOI : 10.33793/acperpro
Journal eISSN : 2667-5862
[1] Bewlay BP, Lewandowksi JJ, Jackson MR. Refractory metal-intermetallic in-situ composites for aircraft engines. JOM 1997;49:8:44-45.
[2] Mandal P, Thom AJ, Kramer J, Behrani V, Akinc M. Oxidation behavior of Mo–Si–B alloys in wet air. Materials Science and Engineering 2004;A 371:335-342.
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[8] Steinhorst M, Grabke HJ. Oxidation of niobium aluminide NbAl3. Materials Science and Engineering: A 1989;120-121:1:55-59.
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[10] Morgenstern R, Sieber M, Grund T, Lampke T, Wielage B. Plasma electrolytic oxidation of Titanium Aluminides, IOP Conf Ser: Mater Sci Eng 2016; 118 012025.
[11] Clyne TW, Troughton SC. A review of recent work on discharge characteristics during plasma electrolytic oxidation of various metals. International Materials Reviews 2019;64:3:127-162.
[12] Kumon TF, Suzuki RO, Ono K. Oxidation resistant coating for niobium by combining hot dipping in molten aluminum coating and anodic oxidation. J Japan Inst Metals 1995;59:9:967-972.
[13] Vahid D, Xing YL, Ben LL, David WS, Sohrab R. Phase transformation in plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on 6061 aluminum alloy. Surface and Coatings Technology 2014;251:106-114.
[14] Aykol M ve Persson K.A. Oxidation Protection with Amorphous Surface Oxides: Thermodynamic Insights from Ab Initio Simulations on Aluminum. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018;10:3039-3045.