The Academic Perspective Procedia publishes Academic Platform symposiums papers as three volumes in a year. DOI number is given to all of our papers.
Publisher : Academic Perspective
Journal DOI : 10.33793/acperpro
Journal eISSN : 2667-5862
[1] Pereloma E, Timokhina I. Bake hardening of automotive steels. In Rana R, Singh SB (Eds.), Automotive Steels: Design, Metallurgy, Processing and Applications, Duxford:Woodhead Publishing, 2017, pp. 259-288.
[2] Takahashi M. Sheet Steel Technology for the Last 100 Years: Progress in Sheet Steels in Hand with the Automotive Industry. ISIJ International 2015;55:1:79-88.
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[4] Foley RP, Fine ME, Bhat SK. Bake Hardening Steels: TowardImproved Formability and Strength, 39th MWSP Conf Proc ISS 1998;35:653-666.
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[9] Jeong WC. Effect of Prestrain on Aging and Bake Hardening of Cold Rolled, Continuously Annealed Steel Sheets. Metallurgical and MaterialsTransactions A 1998;29A:463-466.
[10] Susumu S, Susumu O, Toshiyuki K, Osaka H, Toshitake H, Hiroshi T. Development of Bake-Hardening High-Strength Cold rolled Sheet Steels for Automobile Exposed Panels. Kawasaki Steel Technical Report 1992;31-38.
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[15] Snick AV, Vanderschueren D, Vandeputte S, Dilewinjns J. Influence of Carbon Contentand Coiling Temperature on Hot and Cold Rolled Properties of Bake Hardenable Nb-ULC Steels, 39th MWSP Conf Proc, ISS 1998; 35:225-232.
[16] Mitsumasa K, Susumu S, Takashi O, Kozo T. Age-Hardening Behavior and Dent Resistance of bake-Hardenable and Extra Deep-Drawable High Strength Steel. Kawasaki Steel Technical Report 1998;18:61-65.
[17] Staarling J, Saimoto S, Boyd JD. Strengthening of Low–Interstitial Steels by Strain-Ageing Treatments. Scripta Materialia 1998;39:4/5:487-492.