The Academic Perspective Procedia publishes Academic Platform symposiums papers as three volumes in a year. DOI number is given to all of our papers.
Publisher : Academic Perspective
Journal DOI : 10.33793/acperpro
Journal eISSN : 2667-5862
Year :2019, Volume 2, Issue 3, Pages: 342-350
Solar Heat Integration in Non-Repeatable Time Slices on Daily Basis
Global heating and environmental protection are the main reasons for
expanding the use of solar heat in domestic and industrial facilities.
The other benefit from this renewable energy source is getting free heat
energy. It is quite interesting for industrial processes, but there are
some general problems that should be solved, like its periodicity,
weather conditions as well as production system heat demands. In this
paper was analysed possibilities for scheduling of batches with heat
supply from solar heating system. That was done for independent batches
that are working on independent lines. They can work at any time of the
day independently from each other and as parallel processes. The main
problem in scheduling is limited supply of solar heat. By using the data
for solar irradiation in the city of Bitola (the place used for
calculations) was explained the suggested scheduling procedure and
created the schedule of batches dependent to insolation.
Solar heat, independent batches, scheduling, non-repeatability, heat integration
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Anastasovski, A.. (2019). Solar Heat Integration in Non-Repeatable Time Slices on Daily Basis. Academic Perspective Procedia, 2 (3), 342-350. DOI: 10.33793/acperpro.02.03.5
%0 Academic Perspective Procedia (ACPERPRO) Solar Heat Integration in Non-Repeatable Time Slices on Daily Basis% A Aleksandar Anastasovski% T Solar Heat Integration in Non-Repeatable Time Slices on Daily Basis% D 11/22/2019% J Academic Perspective Procedia (ACPERPRO)% P 342-350% V 2% N 3% R doi: 10.33793/acperpro.02.03.5% U 10.33793/acperpro.02.03.5