The Academic Perspective Procedia publishes Academic Platform symposiums papers as three volumes in a year. DOI number is given to all of our papers.
Publisher : Academic Perspective
Journal DOI : 10.33793/acperpro
Journal eISSN : 2667-5862
Year :2018, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages: 729-737
Modal Analysis of Multi Purpose Hydraulic Die Spotting Press
Mithat Can Özin;İlker Murat Koç;Hasan Büyükdede;Ufuk Alemdaroğlu;Fikret Dalkıran
Multi purpose hydraulic die spotting presses can be used for both die spotting and mass production. Due to the reducing cycle time of hydraulic presses in mass manufacturing, dynamic analysis can be used to determine the oscillations caused by the structural design of the hydraulic press. Oscillations are generated during loading and unloading cycle of press operation and can affect product quality, energy consumption, product life of press etc. Resonance which is related to natural frequency and damping ratio, must be avoided in order to increase the quality of press. There must be a necessary interval between operation (cycle) frequency and the natural frequency of the hydraulic press. Thus, the resonance can be prevented. In this work, the natural frequencies of the 2000 tone multi purpose hydraulic die spotting press is firstly calculated by modal analysis by using finite element model (FEM) and secondly measured during operation.
Hydraulic Press, Modal Analysis, Die Spotting
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Özin, M. , Koç, İ. , Büyükdede, H. , Alemdaroğlu, U. , Dalkıran, F.. (2018). Modal Analysis of Multi Purpose Hydraulic Die Spotting Press. Academic Perspective Procedia, 1 (1), 729-737. DOI: 10.33793/acperpro.01.01.130
%0 Academic Perspective Procedia (ACPERPRO) Modal Analysis of Multi Purpose Hydraulic Die Spotting Press% A Mithat Can Özin , İlker Murat Koç , Hasan Büyükdede , Ufuk Alemdaroğlu , Fikret Dalkıran% T Modal Analysis of Multi Purpose Hydraulic Die Spotting Press% D 11/9/2018% J Academic Perspective Procedia (ACPERPRO)% P 729-737% V 1% N 1% R doi: 10.33793/acperpro.01.01.130% U 10.33793/acperpro.01.01.130